The steps you take after receiving dental implants in North Royalton, OH, will affect your overall outcome and health. What you do with and for your health in the days and weeks following your procedure can help you heal faster, feel more comfortable, and set the stage for your new smile.
Explained by our dentist, Dr. Mark Iacobelli, these are the post-operative steps you need to follow in detail. Below are some of the steps. Each one includes a bit more information on why it plays a critical role in getting your mouth back to tiptop shape.
Stay Away From Smoking.
Thinking about dropping your cigarette habit anyway? Having dental implants placed is a great excuse for putting smoking into your past. Studies have shown that smoking after oral surgery lowers your ability to fight off infections. It also gets the gums and teeth dirtier, which makes it harder to keep your mouth as clean as it should be. You should not consider resuming any smoking activity for at least six weeks.
Avoid Drinking With A Straw.
When you use a straw to drink, you depend upon suction to move the liquid against gravity. Unfortunately, the suction of a straw can disrupt the normal healing at the site of your dental implant. After three days, you can start using straws again, unless you are directed to wait a little longer.
Make A Clean Mouth Your Priority.
One of the best ways to keep infections at bay after receiving dental implants in North Royalton, OH is to get and stay on a fastidious oral hygiene routine. This should include rinsing your mouth with warm, salty water as well as Therasol Rinse. Therasol Rinse is a specially created product that disinfects your mouth without the use of alcohol or unwanted chemicals. As a side note, you should put away your regular mouthwash for use after healing. Why? If you were to swish your mouth with your preferred commercial, over-the-counter mouthwash, you could cause trauma to your post-surgery gums.
Take The Antibiotics Prescribed For You.
Antibiotics work to keep your chance of infection low. The dentist will prescribe an antibiotic after your surgery as added protection against complications. Even though you might feel better after a few days, you should keep taking your prescriptions until they are gone. Stopping your prescription early can lead to problems related to lingering bacteria.
Eat Only The Foods That Have Been Approved For A Post-Operative Diet.
Directly after surgery, you may not be hungry. Eventually, though, you are going to want to eat. Make sure you have plenty of approved foods in your kitchen. What types of foods are typically recommended for oral surgery patients? Think soft and not too hot. Scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, flavored gelatin, and just-warm (or cool) soups make excellent choices. Save your favorite pasta, pizza, and casserole dishes for later when the dentist says you can move to solid foods. (This usually is within a few days after surgery, depending upon your situation.)
Keep Any Discomfort In Check.
Discomfort after oral surgery is understandable and expected. Often, taking ibuprofen or a combination of ibuprofen and acetaminophen at prescribed intervals will keep discomfort from getting worse. You may be prescribed a medication like hydrocodone if needed by the dentist. Resist waiting until your discomfort reaches a peak level to start any painkillers, though. It makes more sense to stay on top of discomfort early to keep it from getting severe.
Report Any Unusual Responses To Your Surgery.
You will be directed on proper ways to stop bleeding in and around your surgical site. Remember: A small amount of bleeding is normal as the blood clot heals. So is swelling, which is your body’s natural response to oral surgery. To deal with swelling, apply ice on and off for around 20 minutes to the site. However, if you notice something that seems to be atypical, such as swelling that keeps getting worse despite your interventions, call the dentist right away. This allows the dentist to help you get your healing back on track.
Post-Operative Success After Receiving Dental Implants in North Royalton, OH
You and the dentist are partners after you receive dental implants in North Royalton, OH. Be sure to follow your post-operative instructions carefully. If you want to see a printed copy of the post-implant procedure we recommended, check out our printable PDF.
Are you just at the beginning of your dental implant journey? Contact our office in North Royalton, OH and schedule an appointment with our doctors, Dr. Mark Iacobelli and Dr. Stephen Sala. Drs. Iacobelli and Sala have extensive training in dental implant placement, technology, and protocols.